40 pieces of double striped blew strouds
20 pieces ditto red
30 pieces of striped duffiles each about 15 Blanketts
20 pieces of Blew ditto
10 pieces of red ditto
100 Indian trading guns
10000 flints
30 barrels Of Powder
30 lbs (?) ball
100 pieces of white ozenbriggs
60 lbs. Vermillion
8 gross Bowdy Caddass (?)
20 pr. Kerseys
100 lbs of beads
1000 lbs Brass Kittles
5 doz. 28
12 doz. white tensy lard (?)
12 doz. yellow tensy lard (?)
24 doz. Chopper (copper) buttons
20 doz. Small looking glasses
6 doz. of brown, red and blew thread
4 thousand needled large size
40 gross tobacco pipes
10 doz. Broad howes
10 doz small Indian hatchets
12 prs. Of Pistolls
2 Barrels of Cutlary ware abt. 20 lbs. value
10 doz. Symeters
10 doz. Kerting
10 doz small (illegible) boxes
The following list is shown in a box on the side of the above list:
The usuall presents made to the head men of the Indians are
compleat suits of cloathes ffrom
head to ffoot
They value Black trim’d w/ whitehead to ffoot
Red trim’d w/ tensy
Blew trim’d w/ tensy
Their attendants have shirts, fflapps & stroud
The women either course calico gowns and Petticoats or
striped fflannel w/ smocks etc.Some time they present the warriors w/ a better gun & cutlass than ordinary.
They are not easily contented if by importunity they ffind they can get more, soe it must be to
Their trade consists in Buck skins & a few ffurrs;
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